

Walking Matthew home from school, Anthony jumps in every puddle he comes across. Soaked pants don't seem to bother him in the least. And yes, the 'noculars...the perfect accessory to spot those puddles from afar, of course.


1, 2, 3...

Matthew likes to have daddy swing him towards the bed, counting 1, 2, and dropping down on 3. Too bad I wasn't quick enough with the camera to get a shot of him mid-flight.



It's no secret that the way to Anthony's heart is a car. Any car will do, but he's most fond of Hot Wheels and characters from Disney's Cars.



Matthew waits on pins and needles as his brother tries to win a game.



Most days he doesn't care about his hair, rarely remembering to brush it before rushing out the door to school. This morning, he asked for hair gel and applied it just so. Then brushed his hair to one side, checking his profile in the mirror, before deciding it looked better the other way. Handsome boy.


Not tired.

Don't let the crying and kicking (or the fact that he was asleep in a matter of minutes) fool you. He was NOT tired. Not even a little. 


One of a kind.

Doesn't everyone watch SpongeBob before bed, in mismatched jammies, standing on their head?



Shhhhh, you hear that? It's the sound of two children playing nicely together. No toys being taken away. No "Mom! He hit me!". No personalities clashing. Just play. It lasted a good 10 minutes.


Being creative.

We celebrated our triplet friends 5th birthday this afternoon. We painted, and colored, and made bracelets, and danced!


The trade.

The time has come. We packed up all 5 momos and headed to Toys R Us. After seeing all the toys there were to see, he carefully made his selections. Three Cars movie cars and three Angry Birds figures. "But mommy, we have to get something for Matthew." So we did. 

He proudly handed his thoughtfully chosen toys to the cashier. And then asked me to hand her the momos. He explained that he won't need them anymore because he's a big boy. That he is.  


Cake please!

Silly kids patiently waiting for cake. I love how each of their personalities comes through in this picture.




"Mommy wait, I need to get my stuff". Every night before bed, he thoughtfully displays whatever gadgets or toys he deems worthy on his night stand. Tonight, a new Lego set made the cut.


Tackle and tickle.

Nothing like a little game of tackle and tickle to calm us down before bed.



No sooner had I closed Anthony's bedroom door after putting him down for a nap, Matthew called out to me..."Mommy, now can you play with me?". As if we hadn't all morning. Now that he's in school, we simply don't get as much of that one-on-one time that he so craves. It's this alone time, while Anthony is dreaming his sweet dreams, that makes snow days extra special. Yes, now we can play. Legos.


Snow maze.

Beautiful sunny day post blizzard. All that snow made for a pretty cool maze.



It's not often that I indulge in a sweet treat. So when I do, I need to guard it with my life apparently. Or a little swiper might come along and help himself to my scoop of ice cream atop a warm chocolate chip cookie. Yes Matthew, you're caught red-handed.

Sticks and snow.

These two have an infatuation with sticks like no other. And they both love snow. Unlike yours truly. But figuring we'd be cooped up in the house for a bit while Storm Charlotte paid us a visit, into the snow we went. If you look closely, you'll see Anthony is wearing socks on his hands because I could not find one of his gloves (it has since been found), and you would not believe how difficult it is to find gloves this time of year in CT.


Angry Birds.

Side by side. One on the iPad, one on the iPhone. Dueling Angry Birds melodies fill the air. Every once in a while, one of them would stop to see how the other was fairing against the piggies. And cheer him on toward success.



I wish I could get inside his head when his mind wanders off like this.Too focused to completely stop what he's doing. Too tired to continue on. I hear nap time calling.

Pass the sports section.

Just catching up on the days' top headlines...


Goodnight brother.

Anthony is quite stingy with his hugs and kisses. Matthew practically demands them. This often presents a problem at bed time. Here, in a very rare moment, Anthony ran to hug his brother goodnight before dashing into his bedroom. See? They really DO love each other!



 In uniform, fixing a truck. Just an ordinary Sunday night.


I love his crooked little smile. Our newly three year old had just woken up from his nap, and was zoned in on a show. He spotted me as I tried to take a candid picture, and as he always does when he sees a camera, gave me a big "Cheese!", followed by "Can I see, can I see?"


365 days worth of moments.

The purpose of this blog is to capture 365 days worth of moments. Not the big, once in a lifetime, celebratory kind of moments. But the everyday, ordinary ones that are oh so easy to forget. Yet so worth remembering.

It also forces me to use my camera...the real camera, the one with a lens, and a flash and settings. And while I am by no means a photographer, nor do I aspire to be one, I hope to hone my picture taking skills just a little, and maybe record some memories in the making.